Social Media Operation

ShapeWin’s team is able to set up and manage Japanese social media accounts on behalf of our clients. We are able to localize international posts as well as create original content that appeals best to the Japanese market. As Japan’s social media is an ever changing digital world, our team is always working to stay on top of the latest social media trends to help popularize our clients brand, expand their content reach, and build a social following of relevant and loyal brand supporters.

Influencers and Ambassadors

ShapeWin has experience in hiring social media influencers to introduce our client’s products or brand to their massive follower base. We recruit influencers whose audience is relevant to our client’s brand, and may become potential customers. These influencers post with the designated hashtags to drive their followers to our client’s official account.

ShapeWin also has experience hiring digital brand ambassadors. Typically, social media ambassadors have a smaller following than influencers, but they are flexible enough to respond to regular posts during the collaboration. This will increase the number of posts related to the brand hashtags by posting more natural posts that are different from those of influencers.

Generate Website Leads

Through a variety of advertorial methods and tools (banner ads, video promotions, social media ads), ShapeWin is able to lead our client’s target audience to the desired website. We then follow up on initial digital advertising results, and if necessary re-adjust our ad target demographics and gradually increase the budget, ensuring that the cost per click ratio stays within a reasonable boundary for our clients.

Have questions for PR or Marketing?

We want to listen to you – what are your goals, your needs, metrics for success. After we have that background information, we’ll develop a written proposal, working within your budget. Feel free to ask us!

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions about consulting, planning, etc.
Reception hours: 10: 00-18: 00 (weekdays)